

For many would-be homebuyers and sellers, 2024 has been a waiting game.

Overall, both groups are looking for lower interest rates. And while mortgage rates have fallen from their recent highs, they are still dampening affordability for buyers and keeping current owners locked in.  

There's more to the market than meets the eye. We're still helping homeowners and homebuyers every day. And if you need us, we're here to help you too.

Here's our take on where things stand today:

  • Homeowners with a mortgage loan have an estimated $16.9 trillion in home equity.* Values are still rising this year, though at a slower pace.
  • At their June meeting, the Federal Reserve Board projected two policy rate cuts still to come in 2024. Mortgage rates can fall in anticipation of future Fed action.
  • The number of homes for sale hit its highest seasonally adjusted level since mid-2020* More competition can help to keep prices in check.
  • The recently released Consumer Price Index shows inflation continuing to cool. Slowing inflation can be good for rates and overall affordability.

Our role in today's environment is to find ways to help our clients move forward, even if the market feels stuck. We help our clients get cash from their equity, access helpful programs, lower their interest rates, and more. 

Let us know how we can help you! 888.616.9885

*June 2024 ICE Mortgage Monitor

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When will the elusive rate cuts arrive? 

As expected, the Federal Reserve Board left policy rates unchanged at their most recent meeting. Investors – those who actually control mortgage interest rates – were listening for hints of future action.  

Are rate cuts still on the board for 2024?

In March, Board members projected three policy rate cuts in 2024. At the May 1st press conference, Chairman Jerome Powell reaffirmed the Board's commitment to reaching 2% inflation. He also said, given current data, the Board expects achieving this goal to take longer than previously thought. As always stated, Powell affirmed that future data will determine when and if cuts are made in 2024.

If you can afford to purchase a home now, this may be the time to do so. Here's why: 

As home prices rise, the possibility of lower rates later may not be enough to make mortgage payments more affordable. It's worth a chat.

  • We have mortgage calculators to help you weigh the potential costs when buying at a higher rate or a higher price.

  • We also have loan programs that can help mitigate higher rates. A hybrid ARM, for example, offers a lower initial rate before adjusting to fixed rates later. Fixed rate buydowns and HELOCs can help you move forward with your plans, too.

If you want to wait on your next purchase, this is a good time to prepare. A qualification consultation or even a mortgage pre-approval is a great place to start.

Background on the Fed:

  • The Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) controls the federal funds rate and discount rate, which are charges for overnight loans from bank to bank or from the Fed to member banks.

  • This rate was lowered to near zero in March 2020 in response to the pandemic. 

  • The Fed has a standing goal to maintain inflation within a 2% range. When historic inflation hit in March 2022, they began a cycle of rate increases to slow spending and bring it down.

  • As inflation slowed and came nearer the goal, the Fed paused its cycle. May was the sixth consecutive meeting with no increase. 

Bottom Line:

If this is your time to buy, refinance or access cash from equity, don't let uncertainty about rates slow you down. We're here to help, and we're still closing loans every day! 888.616.9885

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The extraordinarily low rates of 2020-2021 were a response to the pandemic. Unless something equally devastating happens, we are not likely to see them again. There's another opportunity you could miss today.

Homebuyers waiting for tomorrow's lower rates may miss out on today's prices.

Home prices are rising at a slower pace than before. If rates fall and the market heats up, prices are likely to soar. The cost of rates today may be lower than the cost of price increases later. Buying the home you can afford now – even if it's not the one you want forever – can work in your favor.

You'll build equity through your regular payments and any value increases. Should rates fall, you can put equity earned toward another purchase or a favorable refinance.

Nobody can tell the future. Remember the plans we made in 2019?

Yet, history offers homebuyers two important lessons:

  • Real estate values typically grow over time.
  • People who purchased homes at rates much higher than today's still benefitted in the long run.

Bottom Line

We have programs to help first time buyers and repeat buyers move into new homes no matter the rate environment.

Reach out to explore your options today. 888-616-9885

Contact Greenway Mortgage Funding Corp


There could be more flexibility in fees!

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) recently settled a global lawsuit regarding agent compensation policies and home listing requirements. With court approval, the changes are scheduled to go into effect in mid-July 2024.

What are current practices?

Home sellers typically pay commissions to both their own agent and any buyer's agent. Commissions vary but are commonly 5% to 6% of the sales price.

Selling agents using the NAR's Multiple Listing Service (MLS) show the amount a buyer's agent will earn from the sale. The major changes include:

  1. The seller will no longer automatically pay both agents, though they can choose to do so.

  2. The amount the buyer's agent will make from a sale will no longer appear in MLS descriptions.

  3. Sellers and buyers will have more flexibility in their negotiations, which could result in lower commission costs and lower home prices.

How will the changes impact the process?

  • Sellers can still negotiate the commission they pay, and they may be able to secure a lower cost. They can agree to pay commission for the buyer's agent, but it's not required.

  • Buyers can negotiate both the commission they will pay and how they will pay it, whether out of pocket or through other avenues.

The bottom line is that buyers and sellers will still compensate agents for the many services they provide, and these fees will be negotiable, like always.

Your real estate agent and Greenway's Loan Officers will stay up on any changes that may occur before court approval. Please reach out with any questions or concerns, and we'll be happy to assist.

Contact Greenway Mortgage


The Federal Reserve Board's recent decision to keep policy rates unchanged at their latest meeting has stirred speculation about the possibility of future rate cuts in 2024. Investors are closely monitoring the situation, particularly as board members projected up to three rate cuts this year.

Looking for Future Rate Cuts

Before the January meeting, the consensus among investors was divided on whether the first cut would occur at the March meeting. The December projections suggested potential adjustments to the rates, keeping the financial market on edge.

The Federal Reserve's guidance, as always, hinges on incoming economic data. However, concerns about potential inflationary pressures have dimmed hopes for a rate cut in March. Despite this, mortgage rates may exhibit movement in anticipation of future Fed actions.

Mortgage Rates Can Move In Anticipation of Future Fed Action

The unique nature of the mortgage market allows rates to respond to even subtle hints of future Fed cuts. The demand for long-term mortgage-backed securities can influence mortgage rates before any official Fed announcement. This opens up opportunities for borrowers to secure lower rates ahead of potential rate cuts.

It's essential to recognize that mortgage rates can be dynamic and responsive to market sentiments. The possibility of rate cuts creates a window of opportunity for borrowers, enabling them to access more favorable rates before official Fed decisions.

Mitigating Higher Rates

For those concerned about the potential delay in rate cuts or uncertain about the direction of rates, various programs can help mitigate the impact. Hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) offer a lower initial rate, providing financial flexibility before adjusting to market rates. Additionally, fixed-rate buydowns and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) can empower borrowers to move forward with their financial plans, even if rates don't fall as swiftly as anticipated.

Background on the Fed

Understanding the Federal Reserve's role in setting rates is crucial for predicting market trends.

  • The Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) controls the federal funds rate and discount rate, which are charges for overnight loans from bank to bank or from the Fed to member banks.

  • This rate was lowered to near zero in March 2020 in response to the pandemic. 

  • The Fed has a standing goal to maintain inflation within a 2% range. When historic inflation hit in March 2022, they began a cycle of rate increases to slow spending and bring it down.

  • As inflation slowed and came nearer the goal, the Fed paused its cycle. January was the third consecutive meeting with no increase. 

Don't Let Uncertainty Hinder Your Homebuying Plans

Whether you're considering buying a home, refinancing, or accessing cash from equity, it's crucial not to let uncertainty about rates slow you down. Preparation is key, and this could be an opportune time for a qualification consultation or mortgage pre-approval to position yourself for favorable rates when the time is right.

Despite the ongoing speculation and uncertainty, we're here to assist you every step of the way. Our commitment to helping clients achieve their financial goals remains steadfast, and we continue to close loans daily. If this is your time to make a move, we're ready to help you navigate the financial landscape.

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