
10 Reasons To Consider Buying A Home!

Jun 25
Category | General

Greenway Mortgage continues to celebrate National Homeownership Month. Homeownership has a lot of advantages from financial gain to a secure place to raise your family. For example:

  • Your home may appreciate in value
  • You can build equity to use for home improvement loans, education and other expenses
  • Your home is your own – you can do what you like with it to reflect your lifestyle
  • Home ownership can give your children roots in a community
  • You may save money at tax time by deducting mortgage interest and property taxes (Consult a tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest)

A home offers stability, especially as your children grow up. It’s a place where you can live the life you want, and where you can create the memories of a lifetime.

Take a look at this infographic here to find out if homeownership is the right fit for you! Here are 10 reasons why you should consider buying a home!



Some Highlights:

  1. Paying rent is not a good investment, but owning is a great way to start building family wealth.
  2. Not only does homeownership allow you to provide your children with great education, but you can also decide whether or not your child grows up with a pet.
  3. Owning a home provides you with tax benefits while also providing you with more living space to move around in.


Top Reasons to Own Your Home

Jun 19
Category | General

June is National Homeownership Month!

It's also a great time to reflect on the many benefits of homeownership that go way beyond the financial. What reasons do you have to own your own home?

Take a look at what some of the top reasons to own your own home are here:



Owning a home is an important part of the American dream and an important part of our way of life. Values such as individuality, thrift, responsibility, and self-reliance are embodied in homeownership.

National Homeownership Month actually started as a week-long celebration of homeownership during the Clinton administration in 1995. In 2002, President George W. Bush proclaimed June as the National Homeownership Month. Here is an excerpt from his proclamation:

“Homeownership is an important part of the American Dream…A home provides shelter and a safe place where families can prosper and children can thrive. For many Americans, their home is an important financial investment, and it can be a source of great personal pride and an important part of community stability.”

“Homeownership encourages personal responsibility and the values necessary for strong families. Where homeownership flourishes, neighborhoods are more stable, residents are more civic-minded, schools are better, and crime rates decline.”

“During National Homeownership Month, I encourage all Americans to learn more about financial management and to explore homeownership opportunities in their communities. By taking this important step, individuals and families help safeguard their financial futures and contribute to the strength of our Nation.”

During National Homeownership Month, Greenway Mortgage wants to raise awareness of homeownership and encourage more people to consider the benefits of owning their own home.

Some benefits of home ownership include:

  • Provides stability.
  • Creates positive environments for families.
  • Improves neighborhoods.
  • Homeowners are more involved in civic affairs, including voting in the last election and knowing their elected officials.
  • Builds wealth.
  • Provides tax benefits.

Is Homeownership Right For you?

  • How much debt do you have? Before you can take on a huge financial responsibility that a home is — you need to pay down, or off, debts you have. Consider consolidating loans and getting rid of credit cards. Perhaps most importantly, you need to make sure that as you reduce debt, you increase your credit score.
  • Do you have a down payment? You don't need a 20% down payment to get a loan. But putting more down can work in your favor. It can help you get better lending rates, beat out the competition in hot housing markets and will lower the amount of interest you pay over the life of a loan. You can get a mortgage with as little as a 3.5% down, but anything less than 20% means paying private mortgage insurance (PMI), which will increase your monthly payment.
  • Is your credit in good shape? You want to get your credit score as high as possible when shopping for a mortgage. The higher the score, the better the lending terms and rates. A credit score of 750 and up is generally considered excellent and will make you the most attractive borrower.
  • Where will you be living in two to five years? If you are planning on being in an area for a short amount of time (less than 2 years), then renting may be a more financially feasible option for you. Buying (and selling) a home comes with fees and costs associated with closing the deal. Your house may not build enough equity in just 2 years for you to justify paying those fees twice. And if your home does appreciate in value quickly, if you live in the residence for under two years, you will probably not be eligible for a capital gains tax exemption.
  • What is the market like in your area? It is important to find out if prices are rising/declining and what the inventory levels are like.

Contact your local lenders at Greenway Mortgage. We’ll make sure you have a more educated, more motivated and more confident home buying experience to make the RIGHT decision for YOU and your FAMILY! (732) 832-2967.

Why Do Millennials Choose To Buy?

May 28
Category | General

Ever wonder why millennials are choosing to buy instead of rent? Well, according to NerdWallet's Millennials & Homebuying Study, the top 5 reasons young renters choose to own are the following:

Some Highlights:
  • “The majority of millennials said they consider owning a home more sensible than renting for both financial and lifestyle reasons — including control of living space, flexibility in future decisions, privacy and security, and living in a nice home.”
  • The top reason millennials choose to buy is to have control over their living space, at 93%.
  • Many millennials who rent a home or apartment prior to buying their own homes dream of the day when they will be able to paint the walls whatever color they’d like or renovate an outdated part of their living space.

Refinancing your mortgage can save you thousands of dollars in interest. It can also reduce your monthly payments substantially. You may be asking yourself, "when should I refinance my mortgage?"
We’ve put together a list of some signs you should refinance your mortgage today!
1. Your rate is higher than current interest rates
Interest rates have been at historic lows. If you closed on your mortgage 5 or more years ago chances are that your interest rate may be higher than the current rates today. This is the number one reason you should refinance your mortgage, to lower the rate. Reach out to a Greenway Loan officer today to find out if you can get a lower rate by refinancing your mortgage loan.
2. You want to lower your monthly payment
Lowering your monthly payment is something that a mortgage refinance can help you achieve. Not only by reducing your interest rate but by stretching the loan payments over a longer term.
3. You want to make home improvements
Cash-out refinances, home equity loans, and HELOC loans allow homeowners to get a loan using the equity in your home. You can learn more about cash-out refinances here.

4. You’re close to retirement
This depends on your individual situation. If you are close to retirement and you still have several years left on your mortgage. Refinancing into a lower rate and payment will allow you to more comfortably afford your mortgage payment each month on a reduced income. If your home is paid off then you may want to consider a reverse mortgage. A reverse mortgage is where you receive monthly payments or a large up-front sum of money using your home’s equity.
5. You have an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM)
An adjustable rate mortgage has an initial term with a low fixed rate for a certain number of years. After the initial term the rate increases on an annual basis. Because of the increasing rate you would most likely save money by refinancing into a fixed rate mortgage.
6. You have high interest debt to consolidate
If you have a large amount of debt with high interest, you could refinance your mortgage into a lower rate home equity loan or cash-out refinance can save you thousands of dollars in interest. Keep in mind that its not advisable to convert your unsecured debt into debt that is secured by your home. For example, if you come across a financial hardship and you cannot afford to repay the loan your home may be subject to foreclosure.

7.  You just want cash to spend
Maybe you’re not looking to renovate your home and you do not have high interest debt to consolidate. Perhaps your looking to take a vacation or buy a new car. Using the equity in your home to convert it into cash can be an option. A cash-out refi or HELOC loan can give you cash for your equity.

8.  Your credit score has increased since you closed
If your credit score was lower when you got your original mortgage chances are the rate your received is much higher than what you could receive today with a much higher credit score. Remember, you’ll want to increase your credit score before applying to refinance you mortgage. Make sure you’re paying off any credit card balances, too!
Bottom Line
Refinancing your mortgage into a lower rate is often a very good idea. Reach out today to discuss your options! We are happy to help. 732.832.2967.

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