'Tis the Season to Tap into Home Equity with a Cash-Out Refinance Loan

The holiday season is officially here. Why not tap into your home equity with a Cash-Out Refinance? A Cash-Out Refinance can be a good way to pay for those home improvements you’ve been longing to get done.
A recent report from data firm Black Knight found that the average U.S. homeowner has $153,000 in “tappable” home equity — an all-time high. How do you take equity out of your home? And when is it a good idea to do so? We’ll cover all this and more in today’s blog.
What Does It Mean to Have Equity In Your Home?
However, don’t think of equity as liquid cash. Instead, to put the money to work, you need to convert home equity into liquid cash. Que the cash-out refinance loan.
What is a cash-out refinance?
A cash-out refi will replace your existing mortgage with a new home loan for more than you owe on your home. The difference goes to you in cash, and you can spend it on things such as home improvements, to pay off debts or other financial needs.
Is it a good time to get a cash-out refinance?
Most homeowners nowadays will find that they have a significant amount of equity built up. If that’s the case, why not put it to good use? Contact the loan experts at Greenway Mortgage to discuss your options so we can help you get the loan that meets your needs.
With a cash-out refi, you can tap into your hard-earned equity. Here are a few benefits a Cash-Out Refinance has to offer:
Consolidate high-interest debts into a single, low-interest loan
Invest in home improvements that will increase your home’s value
Build the perfect work from home office
Buy your dream vacation home
Invest in your future – pay for education
Pay off your wedding
So much more!
Bottom Line:
With rates currently still low, now might be a uniquely good time to tap into your homes’ equity. Reach out to the experts at Greenway Mortgage to discuss your options.