May is National Pet Month!
It’s the beginning of May, which means a few things – the weather is definitely getting nicer for you and your pets to enjoy the outdoors. But did you also know that May is National Pet Month? Here at Greenway, we believe that every month is pet month, but National Pet Month is a time to celebrate even MORE with our furry companions. It is a wonderful time to reflect on the joys of sharing our lives with our beloved furry friends – and to SPOIL them just a little bit more!
Pets bring so much love, comfort and happiness into our lives. National Pet Month is a great reminder not to take our little beloved ones for granted. It’s also a super time to spread the word about the many health benefits – of pet adoption and ownership.
We all know the unconditional love that pets give to us. Inspired by this giving, Greenway’s family will be showing some love in return for animals in need.
Greenway will be donating a portion of our profits made in April to the MCSPCA and Bestfriends.org. Greenway’s donations are driven by employee contributions and will be matched by the company! We are putting our paws together to make a difference for pets that can make a house a home!
In addition, Greenway is also reaching out the community for support! If you, a friend or family member donates to either the MCSPCA or Bestfriends.org by Friday, May 25th, 2018 Greenway Mortgage will match that donation* (please send proof of donation to marketingdept@greenwaylending.com )
Click below to make a donation today:
- MCSPCA: http://bit.ly/2Gtr5pl
- Bestfriends.org : http://bit.ly/2GLSd6q
See what these organization are doing here:
- Bestfriends.org : http://bit.ly/2pVEBfh
- MSPCA: http://bit.ly/2EeVrd8
This month Greenway Mortgage will be posting regularly on our Facebook, twitter and Instagram pages. So, stayed tuned to find out how much we raise for our furry friends in honor of National Pet Month.
- Follow us on Facebook Here: https://www.facebook.com/GreenwayMortgageFundingCorp
- Follow us on Instagram Here: https://www.instagram.com/greenwaymortgage/
- Follow us on Twitter Here: https://twitter.com/GreenwayMtgFC
*Proof of donation must be sent to marketingdept@greenwaylending.com by Friday, May 25th, 2018 in order for Greenway to match the donation made to the MSPCA or Bestfriends.org.